Edutainment -ASAE Annual Meeting & Expo 2016

ASAE Annual Meeting & Exposition 2016

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Salt Lake City, UT, August 13–16, 2016

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Salt Lake City, UT

Salt Palace
Convention Center

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Book of Mormon

Sunday, August 14 | 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.

What “The Book of Mormon" the Musical Taught Me About Association Management In this session, “The Book of Mormon” provides a humorous metaphor for a panel of leading association executives to provide lessons in leadership, membership recruitment, branding, international relations, racial divide and diversity, the evolving role of social media, and how producing a musical is similar to planning an association event. Come ready to be amused, ask questions, and learn some essential leadership skills along the way.

Juan Amador, CAE, director, diversity policy program leader, diversity and inclusion, Association of American Medical Colleges

Michael Boa, chief communications officer, Casualty Actuarial Society

Addy Kujawa, CAE, executive director, American Association of Orthopaedic Executives

Tom Quash, CAE, VP, marketing, communications and publications, Association of Women's Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses

Al Rickard, CAE, president, Association Vision Sheri Singer, president, Singer Communications

Associations Ignite

Ignite logo

Monday, August 15 | 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

During these fast-paced, fun, and entertaining sessions, presenters have just 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds, for a total of five minutes. It’s a showcase of talks that might be bold, possibly brash, maybe even brilliant—but never boring!

How Why Has Shaped My Who, What, Where, and When

Nathan Victoria, CAE, director, member engagement and student initiatives, NASPA-Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education

Katniss Everdeen, My Spirit Animal

Tammy A. Barnes, director, operations, state advocacy, American Psychological Association

Leadership Lessons From Mama's Tropical Kitchen

Eloiza Altoro-Acevedo, MS, CAE, executive director, Unity Journalists for Diversity

Lessons in Vanity

Holly Duckworth, CAE, CMP, CEO, Leadership Solutions Intl

Roll with it: Lessons from Parkour: A CAE's Journey to Vendordom

Daniel Scheeler, CAE, executive VP, client engagement, Results Direct

Second Generation Association Professional: Lessons My Dad Taught Me

Allie Mamone, manager, meetings and events, Consumer Healthcare Products Association


The Volunteer Management Super Story-Slam! 

Tuesday, August 16 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

With the current volunteer management landscape as their backdrop, six association executives will be given five minutes to utilize narrative anecdotes to share their volunteer management challenges, accomplishments, and epiphanies in this unique, “story-slam” format. Volunteer management is the essential heart of membership, affects almost all of us, and requires a unique skill set. Elements covered will include volunteer relations as a c-suite pathway, the evolving volunteer model, resolving staff/volunteer conflicts, recognition programs, and more!

StorySlam Line-up

  • Moderator: Michael Cummings, MBA, principal, Tate / Cummings 
  • In the Beginning: It All Starts with the Volunteer Plan - Vivian Abalama, CAE, manager, volunteer relations, ASAE
  • Make Me a Match: Selecting and Assigning Volunteers - Liz Messner, IOM, CAE, senior manager, membership, Society of Petroleum Engineers
  • The Right Stuff: Training Staff for Volunteer Management Roles - Caitlin Couture, CAE, director, governance and engagement, Society of Interventional Radiology
  • Volunteer Strategic Relevance: “Do" or "Do Not.” There is No “Try.” - Trevor Mitchell, MBA, CAE, director, membership and strategy, American Mensa, Ltd.
  • Brand Design: Partnering with your Board for Strategic Messaging - Lakisha Woods, CAE, chief marketing officer, National Association of Home Builders
  • We Like You! We Really Like You! Volunteer Recognition and Appreciation - Valerie Cammiso, CAE, executive director, foundation, International Council of Shopping Centers Foundation



Open throughout the conference

Open Space Where Learning is Social
Wondering what the biggest predictors of the overall academic success of the #ASAE16 learning programs are? It’s not the quality of the content or the teaching skills of the content leaders—it’s you! The learning programs at #ASAE16 are focused on more than knowledge acquisition. This is your conference, co-created with you and for you. You, the learner, drive the experience and take responsibility for your learning before, during, and after the event. Don’t see what you need? We’re here to help. OpenSpace is available to any attendee with a full conference registration, and it’s where anyone who wants to initiate a discussion on a topic can claim a time and an open space. on a topic can claim a time and an open space.


Open throughout the conference

At the ASAE Annual Meeting, you’ll once again have a variety of unique lounges to visit. These lounges are a great way to meet peers and share what you’ve been learning both at the event and over the past year. Make sure you take advantage of these vibrant meeting spaces to enhance your onsite experience. A full list of lounges and locations are available on the ASAE Annual Meeting website.


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